Wetland Delineation
FrontRunner South Commuter Rail - Parsons Brinkerhoff/Utah Transit Authority; Salt Lake and Utah Counties, Utah. 47 miles of new rail line. In addition to delineation, Wetland Resources conducted the wetland functional assessment, 404 permitting, mitigation design, wetland construction monitoring, and annual mitigation monitoring.
Interstate 15 - Parsons Brinkerhoff/Utah Department of Transportation; Salt Lake and Utah Counties, Utah. 50 miles of widened highway. Wetland delineation and functional assessment.
Newfield Exploration - Outlaw Engineering; Duchesne and Uintah Counties, Utah. Managing all aspects of Section 404 permitting for new oil wells. Including site selection to avoid/minimize impacts, wetland delineation, and Section 404 permitting.
Ruby Natural Gas Pipeline - Natural Resources Consulting/Colorado Interstate Gas; Wyoming, Utah, and Nevada. 230 miles of new natural gas pipeline. In addition to delineation, Wetland Resources conducted plant community mapping, T&E plant and wildlife surveys, and biological monitoring of pipeline construction.
Legacy Parkway - Utah Dept. of Transportation; Davis County, Utah. 3 alternatives totaling over 40 miles of new highway.
Interstate 80 - Utah Department of Transportation; Summit County, Utah. 13 miles of widened highway.
Tooele Midvalley Highway - Parsons Brinkerhoff/Utah Department of Transportation; Tooele County, Utah. 4 alternative alignments totaling over 60 miles of new highway.
US Highway 6 - Horrocks Engineers/Utah Department of Transportation; Wasatch and Summit Counties, Utah. 30 miles of new highway.
Coastal Connection Natural Gas Pipeline - Bio-Resources/Colorado Interstate Gas; Wyoming, Colorado, Kansas, and Oklahoma. 400 mile natural gas pipeline.
Geneva Road - Horrocks Engineers/Utah Department of Transportation, Utah County, Utah.
Draper Rail Transit - Parsons Brinkerhoff/Utah Transit Authority, Salt Lake County, Utah.
Bonanza Mountain Resort - Natural Resources Consulting; Summit County, Utah.
Weber Delta Wetland Mitigation Bank - Enviroserve Associates; Weber County, Utah.
Hidden Hollow Trail - Stanley Group/Salt Lake County; Salt Lake County, Utah.
Round Valley Golf Course - Wentworth Development; Morgan County, Utah.
Circle GT Ranch - Thompson and Associates; Uinta County, Utah.
Wetland Restoration
Hobble Creek Wetland Mitigation Site - Utah Transit Authority; Utah County, Utah. 22 acre wetland and stream restoration project. Design, permitting, construction and annual monitoring.
Redwood Wetland Mitigation Site - Utah Transit Authority; Salt Lake County, Utah. 40 acre wetland restoration project. Design, permitting, construction and annual monitoring.
Sharon Steel Superfund Site Wetland Restoration Project - Utah Department of Environmental Quality; Salt Lake County, Utah. 15 acre wetland restoration design project.
Kimball Creek Wetland Mitigation Site - Utah Department of Transportation; Summit County, Utah. Design, permitting, and construction monitoring.
U.S. 6 Wetland Mitigation Monitoring - Utah Department of Transportation; Summit County, Utah. Annual monitoring of three UDOT wetland mitigation sites along U.S. 6.
Wolf Creek Highway Wetland Mitigation Project - Natural Resources Consulting; Wasatch County, Utah. Construction monitoring of several wetland mitigation sites.
Salem City Wastewater Treatment Plant Wetland Site - Utah Department of Transportation; Utah County, Utah. Construction monitoring of a UDOT wetland mitigation site.
Interstate 15 Lindon Wetland Mitigation Site - Utah Department of Transportation; Utah County, Utah. Construction monitoring of a UDOT wetland mitigation site.
FrontRunner South Commuter Rail - Utah Transit Authority; Salt Lake and Utah Counties, Utah.
Logan River Trail - Cache Landmark Engineering/Logan City; Logan, Utah. Conducted wetland delineation and 404 permitting for a new section of public trail adjacent to the Logan River.
Newfield Exploration - Outlaw Engineering; Duchesne and Uintah Counties, Utah. Managing all aspects of Section 404 permitting for new oil wells.
US-89 Logan Canyon Bridges Stream Alteration Permit - Utah Department of Transportation; Cache County, Utah.
Cache Valley Electric Office Complex 404 Permit Application - Jay Dee Barr Construction; Cache County, Utah.
Riparian Revegetation
Snake River Riparian Revegetation Design - Idaho Transportation Department, Bonneville County, Idaho.
US-89 Logan Canyon Bridges Riparian Revegetation Design - Utah Department of Transportation; Cache County, Utah.
Silver Coin Dairy Streambank Stabilization Plan - Silver Coin Dairy; Franklin County, Idaho.
Mill Creek Riparian Revegetation Plan - Nixon Realtors; Weber County, Utah.
Moldova Wetland Restoration Study - Keller Bliesner Engineering; Cahul District, Moldova. U.S. International aid project to restore irrigation to a 8,000-hectare floodplain that was previously drained by the Soviet Union. Responsible for assessing the distribution and quality of wetlands in the project area and assessing the potential for large-scale wetland restoration.
American Fork Sensitive Lands Study - Horrocks Engineers/American Fork City; Utah County, Utah. Identified wetlands and other sensitive lands as part of a planning tool being developed for American Fork, Utah.
Logan Special Area Management Plan - Natural Resources Consulting/Logan City; Cache County, Utah. Identified wetlands and assessed their quality for a planning tool being developed for an industrial corridor in Logan, Utah.
Farmington Special Area Management Plan - Baseline Data/Farmington City; Davis County, Utah. Identified wetlands and other sensitive lands as part of a planning tool being developed for Farmington, Utah.